I read: "In School you learn a lesson first and then you do a test. In life the test is first and then you learn the lesson."

In my life I have noticed that every experience or idea, good or bad, teaches me anything new. I want share each of these teachings that I have learned and that I consider it constructive to apply in our daily life.

A short description of me:
I have 27 years and I live in El Salvador country. I study Systems and Computer Engineering at Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador. I love play the piano and I play it in the Symphony Christian Orchestra of El Salvador. This is a process that began when I was a child. Each thing in my life is part of a chain that it's not completed. I hope share it in detail within a few days.

After some months of I want share some tips that help me so much, I thought create a blog; then came the difficult part: "How call it?", a significant and catchy name. After so much I remembered a phrase of a friend when she had troubles: "this is the school to form my character". Thus was born the name "My Life Is A School". Thanks to my friend Roxana Gamez the idea to this blog's name. I desire you like it and you benefit.

Your friend,

Gilberto Rodas.

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