miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

One morning I was going to my work on a pickup truck with other friends, on a two-way street and one lane to each direction. There was some traffic. Suddenly came a truck from behind us invading the opposite way. The truck tried to join our lane in front of us, so my friends said to driver "don't give chance".

The pickup truck driver gave chance or the truck only joined, but this made me think there are moments than these attitudes cause anger, courage and they reduce us to the level of others and we behave the same or worse. What's the price or cost of relax, stop and let him into the lane? If I don't allow it I could cause a collision when I could have it avoided.

The best form to avoid a problem between one intruder and me is I give the way. Why complicate my life?

lunes, 10 de junio de 2013

I once heard someone say "why worry about what we can not fix?". That made me think about the times that I go late from my home to my work or university, and I angry if there is heavy traffic, if the driver goes too slowly or if it takes too long on a bus stop. Has been my fault the delay but the worry nothing good will bring to my life.

Another example: If I am fired from my job and I have big expenses like paying my house, water, electricity, food, education, etc.., I can not do anything to avoid it; I can only seek some employment or other extra money income, but why I'm frustrated or upset if I don't control the time for a company to hire me?

Each concern will bring stress to my body (and more if I can not do anything to control it). According to my knowledge, this is not healthy and it get older me.
It's difficult to control to this, but I must learn to dominate my character and how I react. I don't must let this dominate me.

In these situations it's best to relax, which will lead to think clearly in a solution or a new opportunity to do better in the future.
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